Orchids are the only plant whose flowers trick insects using such sexual deception. The aim is to convince the insect to 'mate' with them. The insect accidentally collects pollen on its body, which is then transported to another flower. Gaskett says the orchid dupe wasp is attracted to and pollinates five species of tongue orchid (in the genus Cryptostylis). This is unusual as normally one insect pollinates one species of orchid. She says this means the five orchid species, which look completely different to the human eye, must look and feel the same to the male wasp. "I wanted to know what it was about the five orchids that could persuade the male that they were all a female [wasp]," she says. Gaskett used a spectrometer to analyse the colours of four of the five species and a female wasp. Taking into account factors including the background colour, ambient light and colour range of the male wasp's receptors, she found the orchid replicates almost exactly the colours of the female orchid dupe wasp. She has also found 'hidden shapes' that feel like a female wasp to the male, including 'love handles' the male wasp grip onto while mating.
Deceptive seduction
Cryptostylis orchids were the first genus of Australian orchids found to show this type of deception. The finding, in the 1920s by schoolteacher-turned-naturalist Edith Coleman, was published in the Victorian Naturalist and received worldwide attention. Gaskett says the sexual warfare between the wasp and orchid occurs in some of Australia's most public places as the tongue orchid is common in urban and regional Australia and New Zealand. "People walking past don't realise there is a hotbed of sexual intrigue going on right beside them in the park," Gaskett says. She is now studying the perfume of the orchids and testing them on wasp antennae to look at the role of smell in the seduction process.
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